Monday, January 19, 2009

Bioware Points Out Why PC Gaming Is Doing Just Fine

Ray Muzyka, CEO of Bioware said to CVG that PC gaming is still healthy. He said looking at the numbers, you wouldn't say that it's dying. He explains that he sees the PC market as changing with a lot of diversity. He said:

"I think there are more people playing PC games and more dollars being spent on the PC space than ever before, but it's taking a different form," Ray Muzyka said in a recent interview.

He further elaborated that:

According to Muzyka the PC gaming landscape is changing as audiences and technology evolve, and it's the job of developers to adapt to these new market conditions.

I think it is without a doubt that the PC market is not what it was 10 years ago. A lot has changed since and we see more diverse range of audience that like playing a lot of different type of games.

It is up to developers to seize the opportunity to offer something that is compelling to their marketed audience. Look at how well Blizzard and Valve are doing.

Read this entire news entry here

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