Monday, May 16, 2011

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Release Date Set For November 8th

The Modern Warfare 3 reveal that was supposed to be a glorious event for the biggest game ever is turning out to be a joke. Kotaku made a mockery of whatever marketing plan Activision had by releasing a bucket load of spoilers on the game. Activision reacted by hurryingly releasing all the reveal trailers and saying the Kotaku reveal had a lot of things wrong. Now, the release date for Modern Warfare has been outed by Amazon who have started taking in pre order. It posted the release date as November 8th. If this proves one thing, it’s that you cant keep a huge secret involving many people, a secret for a long time.


  1. hi. do u know when will MW3 launch in malaysia

  2. No official confirmation but should be 9th or a few days later.

  3. really?gamers hideout is releasing it tonight midnight...

  4. Yeap. It releases on the 8 worldwide. And I'll be there.

  5. Add me on Xbox live "mak1013"'
    Don't ask about the name
