Tuesday, October 12, 2010

LOTRO Game Diary 2 - Me and My Fancy New Hat

I'm level 6 now and I've got this fashionable(if a little douchey looking) hat. Heck I should be called Halinthir the swanky. A sinister plot is afoot in the world of the elves as the dwarfes(well I did all the grunt work really) discover that some of their brethren are planning to resurrect this Skorgrim dude. The same fellow that destroyed Edhelion a few hundred years back. How unbecoming of these short stubby folk...

So Dwalin is this Dwarf I was helping and he asks me to follow him to the tomb of Skorgrim to end this treacherous Dourhand Dwarves plot. My guess is this dwarf here is going to die in that tomb. But anyway before I get ahead, he says I should get prepared as we will be leaving the area we are in. So I travel back to Edhelion to meet the hunter trainer and buy two new skills. Now I am ready.

Oh but before that, I wanted to finish up whatever side quests I could get near this area, so this petty trader wants me to kill these wild beasts(aurochs). Sigh... So I complete two of these side quests and got a slightly better sword. I find out from Dwalin that there are certain quests that require Turbine points to purchase. He gives me ten Turbine point free for now and I had to purchase this quest which gives a horn(stuns enemy). Sweet, but exclusive quests?  Ugh I don't know about that. Now about that tomb...

The Dourhand dwarfs have gone mad and are using trolls(not the forum types, but the monstrous types). Dwalin and Halinthir fight their way through the tomb. The old man needs a rest once in a while. Pah! this dwarf is probably younger than Halinthir by a few hundred years.

We find out that the Dourhands have captured an Elf to sacrifice to Skorgrim. This potentially could start a war between the elves and the dwarves. We must stop them! It turns out they've got Elohir! It's too late, Skorgrim has already been resurrected, and he's got some friends here. 

Skorgrim escapes! We free Elohir and according to him, Skorgrim and the Dourhands have allied themselves to Angmar(a Sauron ally lead by a witch king ie bad guy in Lord of The Rings lore) and darker things are afoot. And I was wrong. The old dwarf Dwalin survived. Next time, two years have passed in the the timeline and a new area, Ered Luin.

LOTRO Game Diary Series:


  1. hai.. im playing lotro too...
    server Dwarrowdelf

  2. Cool, I'm not thinking about creating a second character yet so...

  3. I'm the US server Windfola. Lv50. If anyone needs help in any quest please feel free to send tell to Lyfthrasyr. My kin is currently recruiting too =)

  4. hi im in the us server meneldor.. still looking for malaysian player in my server.. if anyone in meneldor feel free to send me a mail.. or tell -eiralas
