Friday, February 19, 2010

Civilization 5 Announced! GeeWiz A Great Year For PC Strategy Games!



Hallelujah! Civilization 5 was announced and that’s made 2010 a really good year for PC strategy games. While many will no doubt be eagerly awaiting Blizzard’s Starcraft 2, I on the other hand will be looking forward to this more. Civilization IV is still one of the best made and polished strategy game to date.


In the announcement, combat seems to have got a major overhaul with the game sporting a hex based grid now. Units will be full armies now and I suspect there will be directional attack and group bonuses.


The press statement is pretty vague about other things, but it seems like there will be more diplomatic options and more multiplayer online game modes. It also looks very pretty. Release date is said to be fall 2010! Yeah it’s that soon.





