Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Some Dude Says Gabe Newell & Valve Are Done With Single Player Isolated Experiences

That some dude is none other than Geoff Keighley from Gametrailers.com. A well respected industry veteran(in the video games journalism business that is). He did a short documentary that is on sale on the Apple store(for just USD$1.99) called The Final Hours of Portal 2. He said he was told by Gabe Newell and Valve’s project manager, Erik Johnson that they are done with ‘isolated single player experiences’. Geoff further states that both of them think that Portal 2 will be the last of such single player isolated experience. You can read the whole report on Geoff Keighley’s insider ‘expose’ over at Kotaku.

The comment is said to be ‘curious’ and Stephen Totilo over at Kotaku says that even they(Valve) aren’t sure what all this means and that they are ‘still figuring it out’. I think this is mostly related to the solitary protagonist which the first Portal was a lot like that. You felt alone(other than the untrustworthy AI). Valve have clearly tried to add a lot more other characters in their games(from Half Life 2’s cast of AI characters to the 4 player coop character of Left 4 Dead). I don’t think this means they are done with single player games, just that they want to move away from the solitary feeling that some parts of Portal 2 and most of Portal 1 made you feel.

Source: Kotaku


  1. I believe it is more of a "add more characters" means.

    If Valve actually put up effort (no doubt they will as usual) to make a game less isolated instead of adding in half baked multiplayer experience (Yes, I am looking at Bioshock 2, the MP mode should not exist in the first place), then most people will have no problem with that.

  2. Yeah I think that's what they meant. Even Half Life which was a very isolated type of game, they gave you Alex for most of the game in Ep2.
