UPDATE: It has been nearly two months since I wrote this and guess what. Still no servers in the SEA region. Despite early promises by Gameservers.com that they will host a server in this region, it hasn't materialised. Take a note of this if you're planning on buying this game.
The latest of the big blockbuster Activision franchise, Call of Duty: Black Ops, recently got released to the usual fanfare. However, if you’re from South East Asia, you might want to know that at the moment, there aren’t any SEA based dedicated servers. Hosted by Gameservers.com, the only nearest servers are located at Australia or Japan. And they said having dedicated servers would be better. Now those that live in regions with no proper dedicated server get screwed. Gameserver.com are ‘promising’ a server for the SEA region but I’ll keep an eye out on this. I’ll post an update if there is new news on this. Video of multiplayer performance after the jump…
buat masa ni jangan beli la... aku mula2 dulu bila GS anthony Quon buat announcement nak buat SEA region server semangat beli BLACK OPS..tp sampai skrg tak dgr berita lps tu nak kuar DLC pulak jgn harap la nak beli.dah la mahal,,game ni suck multiplayer sungguh suck,,single player je ok,baik korang beli 'jacksparrow' version.
ReplyDeleteSampai ke hari nie isu2 biasa pun diorg tak settele lagi,bug isu,lagg isu,sturtter isu,frameskip isu,lps tu game crash bila tgh
main..game jadi freeze..amboi bnyk sgt problem nya,,percaya la aku dah experince game nie...jgn beli la,,kecewa treyacrh mmg teruk buat game ni seha COD world at war..sound dlm game black ops mcm taik..bunyi mcm mercun senapangnyer...tak sangka la treyarch buat sebegini teruk game COD..
jgn bli black ops...aku dh menyesal