Friday, September 30, 2011

Assassin's Creed: Revelations Delayed To December 2nd For The PC

Ubisoft announced that the next chapter in the Assassin's Creed franchise, Assassin's Creed: Revelations will be delayed for the PC. It's not too bad though. The new release date for the PC is December 2nd 2011. The game was originally supposed to be released on all platforms on November 15th. PC gamers will just have to wait a bit longer.

Source: Eurogamer


  1. IS the game gonna launch in Malaysia like with the rest of the world? If so when and where will it be launch? Which type of product will be sold? Special Editions etc...

  2. There is no official launch event. But release will most probably be on the same day as the rest of the world. As for version, I have no idea. From what I have seen in the retail stores, I think they are mainly bringing in the standard edition. Confirm with retail store to be sure.

  3. It's okay just asking :)Thx for the reply though

  4. Somehow the game store cant get the Animus edition for Malaysians. I've pre-ordered it till i receive a phone call from the store saying they cant get it, only Collector's edition and standard edition.

  5. Hey Brey where can I get the Collector's Edition and how much does it cost? Pls give me the details. I'm looking forward to purchase the CE of the game! :D

