Tuesday, June 7, 2011

FarCry 3 Announced! E3 2011 Stage Demo - Goes Back To Island Setting

Perhaps I’m in the minority, but I loved FarCry 2(and Crytek’s original as well). The slow pace of moving across an open world landscape was perhaps too much busy work for some, but I relished in it. It was about becoming a hunter. Ubisoft announced that they are indeed working on FarCry 3(there were rumours prior to this) and had a stage demo of the game in action at E3 2011. I noticed that there seems to be some sort of experience point for making each kill. Perhaps they’ll be adding some form of upgrade system that is tied to experience points. It also seems like there is a new cover system. Check out the stage demo video below…


  1. what engine it is? Cryengine3 ?

  2. No. Ubisoft now own FarCry. They used their own engine for FarCry 2. It's called 'Dunia'. This is probably a newer version of the Dunia engine.

  3. Oooo i see , however the engine look familiar like a CryEngine of Crytek.
    Still, its kick-ass~
