Thursday, May 24, 2012

Lost Planet 3 Footage Looks Like Dead Space - Significant Shift In Tone

It is unavoidable really... all survival horror game based in space will now be compared to EA's excellent Dead Space. Lost Planet isn't a survival horror game, at least it wasn't. This new video footage from Capcom Germany showing off Lost Planet 3 gameplay seems to hint at a strong shift of tone. It is rather horror survival with bits of mech sections thrown in between. A significant drop in alien count(or rather akrid). I've not been a huge fan of Lost Planet, I'm not sure how fans of the series would take to this. Lost Planet 3 was originally announced only for the consoles, but Capcom has since clarified that it will indeed be released on the PC next year. Check out the gameplay footage below...


  1. Yay! No more super mario colored sceneries with shitty dialog. Hopefully!

  2. Shitty dialogue not confirmed cut out yet :-p
