Monday, November 15, 2010

Octodad - A Master Chameleon

What’s harder than being a dad? Being a dad as well as secretly an octopus! Octodad is an indie game that is developed by a bunch of DePaul University students for the Indie Game Festival 2011. Loving father, caring husbands, secret octopus. What more can I say?

In Octodad you are an octopus masquerading as a husband and father in this human family. It’s better that you not know how exactly has this cephalopod managed to pass itself as a human husband. But you start out the game with an urgent task. Your ‘wife’ has planned a romantic anniversary dinner and you need to build a mannequin and escape to your basement.

Building this mannequin requires a bunch of different things that you need to go around the house collecting(which also includes a banana, don’t ask). In each room you go to, there are a bunch of missions to do and you’ll often be given timed challenges that you must complete in time or else you blow your cover(which is game over). Have I mentioned you’re an octopus?

It’s not easy being an octopus with no hands and legs. Tentacles are difficult to control. To controls your ‘limbs’, you control each one of your legs and hands separately(as right and left mouse clicks). Moving around, picking up things is a hell of a tough task. You’ll find it hard not to make mess of things moving about(as evident in the trailer).

I’ve been writing a lot about games that control badly for the PC lately, but in Octodad, it actually makes sense. There is a frustrating boss fight at the end of it that even though frustrating, you’d want to see how it goes down. Octodad is a funny and charming indie game. The camera can go out of control at times, but stick with it and just enjoy the humour.

Download Octodad here

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