Friday, November 19, 2010

Maze of Space - Pixel Man Shoot Pixelly Things

Maze of Space is a maze game developed at the Karlshamn Game Jam by the guy from Kloonigames, Petri Puerho who did Crayon Physics. Petri was interested in the idea of creating pixel art that had a painted look to them, and hence Maze of Space was born. It’s a basic maze game with this really cool pixel art on top of it with some action, leveling and inventory management elements thrown in. 

As you kill more enemies, you level up and pick up dropped items. Equipping more powerful armour will improve your chance of survival and this is really key as enemies are quite powerful and can take you down really fast if you don’t monitor your health. Some items even improve your maneuverability as by default you move really slow. You can pick up med packs and use them to heal up. As you find the stairs to a new level, the enemies get more tougher and more challenging.

It’s a little bit too difficult and unbalanced right now but for an experimental game it’s neat. The art style doesn’t immediately jump out at you, but as you encounter enemies it’s sort of neat to have those pixelated pop ups up hits and misses. It has a certain Kloonigames look to it.

Download Maze of Space here

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