Monday, October 31, 2011

This Week's Gaming - More Battlefield 3

So I finally got my hands on Battlefield 3. It's good but... problematic. It's not been a trouble free launch to be precisely honest with you. Some people reporting server issues(which I've not experienced), CTD's, certain graphic cards performing like crap, flickering textures, corrupted shadows. But how's the game?

Battlefield 3
Single player, totally forgettable. It has hints of Call of Duty Black Ops as you're in questioning by the CIA for treason(of sorts). There's a nuke and there's an American soldier held captive. It's all very much taken from what we see on TV(except the nuke part of course). Haven't completed the single player yet, but from what I've played, it's not great(it's not bad I suppose). I'm done with military shooter single player campaigns. It also looks like DICE were in love with their engine as almost every moment seems to showcase the graphical shininess of the new engine. And oh does it look shiny. Multiplayer is just like Bad Company 2 except that it's a lot bigger and there's been some rebalancing with the classes. No more Medic. Might do a video soon.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
I'm in Hengsha now and the game opens up a bit more. The missions seem to have more ways to complete them(this was true in the early area as well, maybe just not as prominent). Liking it so far. I think I might have murdered someone accidentally though, so my pacifist stealthy dude plan is pretty much up in smoke.

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