Monday, November 1, 2010

Super Crate Box - Crates, Crates And More Crates

This one’s a baby puncher. In Super Crate Box, you are on a level with constantly respawning enemy, and crates drop down. Developed by an indie group called Vlambeer, that is made up of Rami Ismail and Jan Willem Nijman,  your objective is to collect as many crates as you can while surviving hordes of enemies.

As you collect more crates, you unlock new weapon types. But the kicker here is that you don’t always get the best most powerful weapon as the enemy hordes increase in its ferocity as the seconds tick by. There are lots of weapons in Super Crate Box, but not all of them work great at taking out the waves of enemies.

This game is really… really hard. I’ve not been able to get past collecting 9 crates. And then there are new levels that you can unlock and harder play modes. My only ‘strategy’ to playing Super Crate Box right now is to just just to the crates as fast as possible. 5 crates up, I normally camp at the bottom corner of the screen until I’ve thinned the hordes of enemy and it’s safe to move up to get the crate.

Download Super Crate Box from here and see how far you can go.


  1. When you say it's hard you're not kidding around.

    My best: 19.

  2. Whoa 19 is pretty good. I guess I just sucks :P You gotta love indie games.
