Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Allods Online Does An Evony Ad Campaign, Sex Sells?

For the uninitiated, there were these slew of suggestive online browser game ads last year for this game called Evony. You can view all the ads here in a brilliant recap of the insanity that was Evony by lazygamer. Of course Evony was a disaster and a disgrace even without the ads with court cases and questionable business practises(as can be seen in this great piece of investigative journalism by Ars Technica). I’ve recently stumbled upon this funny looking add that was on Eurogamers Lord of The Rings Online Review. There’s a new contender in the block people…

It’s Allods Online doing an Evony. Using suggestive tones to generate clicks. This free to play MMO that is probably looking for more newcomers(perhaps a sign of not doing so well) and in their desperate attempts, stooped this low. I mean, I’m not against sexual themes in the media but selling an ad for a video game that is nothing about that is kind of disgraceful. Looking for cheap click throughs. I’m not going to give them cheap traffic by linking this story to their game. But I’ve said what I wanted to say.


  1. i remember a Plants vs Zombies parody ad...

  2. Is this supposed to be parody? lol, if it is they should have made it clearer.
