Sunday, May 13, 2012

UPDATE Battlefield 3 Double XP Weekend Happening Later!

UPDATE 2: Confirmation that the double XP event has been delayed to May 26th to 27th for the PC. Some technical difficulties have meant that DICE is delaying it for a bit longer on the PC.

UPDATE: Double XP is apparently not happening for the PC

DICE announced that today and tomorrow, you will be earning double XP when you play Battlefield 3 multiplayer. The extra XP will be added as additional point. Great opportunity for me to rank up! I guess this weekend, I know what I'll be playing. Thank Yung for the news. Go and grind some points soldiers! And be a good sport!


  1. holy crap, totally forgot about this. so when is it happening?

  2. It's just been confirmed that it's happening on May 26th -27th. DICE broke the PC version with this... so they are delaying it.
