Monday, January 16, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Will Require Origin - Won't Be On Steam

Bioware detailed the release of Mass Effect 3. On their official forums, Chris Priestly stated that it will require an Origin account(all versions will require Origin). You can still play single player offline(Origin has an offline mode, and it will require a one time online authentication) but multiplayer obviously will require online connection. He also goes on to add that it will not be on Steam due to Steam's rules regarding how DLC's are handled. Awwwww.... sadface.jpg No Steam for you Sheppard. Mass Effect 3 releases on March 6th.

Source: Bioware Social Network Forums


  1. Come on, why don't they have the balls to come out and say "It won't be on Steam because Steam is a competitor and we want to build up Origin" because everyone knows it's true anyway. This probably means I won't be buying this. Don't really feel like jumping onto yet another platform.

  2. Hard to say really. They do have a point about DLC's on Steam. All Steam games now sell their DLC's on Steam platform itself(as opposed to some in game store). EA was the exception. I don't see why they would voluntarily stop selling their stuff in the biggest digital distribution platform. I think they have more to lose than gain.
