Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Software Boutique Malaysian Battlefield 3 Launch

I was over at The Software Boutique at about 8.45 pm yesterday. The occasion, the launch of Battlefield 3. It's been about 6 long years since the last proper Battlefield game, so understandably, PC gamers are excited over the prospect of immense maps and the 'Battlefield experience'. Consider Battlefield Bad Company 2 as a teaser to the true Battlefield experience. This is Battlefield!

Just find a spot and sit down. It's a long wait.

Thankfully the weather cooperated with the launch and KL's torrential downpours(that have been happening for the past couple of days) took a break for a day(but it rained much later I think). When I arrived, there was a line all along TSB store front all the way to Subway(restaurant). There was probably about roughly 40 people hanging out.

This picture is deceiving. TSB looks empty here.

Look to the right... and you see lots of people gathered in roughly what looks like a line.

Waiting through the final hour, some people getting a little restless. Spirits still seem high.

First in line, this soldier got his stripes.

Journos talking with the first few in line

These guys are hardcore...

Kid, you can't play Battlefield 3, It's rated M. Wait till you're older.

The store has been transformed into Battlefield heaven
At about 10pm, the number grew to about 70 to 80 people. There were no numbers given at this point so there was some confusion on how it would be handled. Met with fellow gamer(Edison from KGM), went for dinner at KFC nearby.

Went back to TSB storefront at 11pm and the line is now estimated to be about 100 people. As the clock quickly approached midnight, fellow journos from GameAxis and Multiplay(LYN) were talking to the first few in the line. Everyone was pumped. TSB staff holding the fort. Everyone has been given numbers. 100+ people now. The time is near.

Another shot with the early birds.
As it hit 12 midnight, the doors opened and the line surged forward. The first 10 get an extra bonus bag. Group photos taken, still alot of people to go. Busy night for TSB staff but everyone was happy and eager to get back home and install the game.

I left at 12.30, dead tired from a lack of sleep, needed to get some rest. I'll only be getting Battlefield 3 during the weekend(Leo's got his copy). Reviews have been pouring in for Battlefield 3 and predictably, it's been very positive. So my question to you guys... when you finally get the game installed, will you be playing the single player campaign immediately or play multiplayer first?

PS: Thanks to Burn, Abysio, Heaven(sorry had to go back when I just saw you, was late) and Edison. And to the new guys, it was nice meeting all of you. Hope to see all of you on Steam.

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