Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Demigod Street Date Broken


Bigdownload.com reported that Gamestop has started selling copies of Demigod before it’s release date. This has led to a lot of people jumping in the online component of the game before the servers have gone live. Brad Wardell, CEO of Stardock has stated in his blog:


First, it was Easter weekend. And many of us had just finished a good solid 8 weeks of massive crunch and were looking forward to the weekend to recover. Instead, we found ourselves back at work having to turn on and configure the multiplayer matchmaking servers (we had enough for a beta but not for thousands of people).

Second, since Demigod has zero copy protection on it, it meant that that piracy on this title will, in theory, be maximized. Stardock’s position on piracy is pretty straight forward but to repeat it here: It’s not that we don’t think piracy is massive. We just aren’t convinced that it results in that many lost sales. Or more to the point, we don’t think intrusive, obnoxious copy protection will result in more sales than we lose from people who don’t want to mess with it.


It’s sad but it’s always been happening before. Anyway good luck Stardock. I hope you guys work it out with Gas Powered Games and have massive success with this title.

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