Tuesday, August 7, 2012

DayZ Standalone Game In The Works! - Survive The Zombie Apocalypse Without Arma 2

DayZ, the Arma 2 mod has been somewhat of a phenomenon. It's hit a million users and has without a doubt, increased the sales of Arma 2 exponentially. The creator of DayZ, Dean Hall, has confirmed that a standalone game is in the works. The game will be made with Bohemia Interactive(devs of Arma 2) with Dean Hall as the project lead, so we can expect it will run on a similar engine... potentially the Arma 3 engine, this has NOT been confirmed. No info on what engine the standalone DayZ game will be in. The mod creator says that DayZ the mod will still get updates and improvements while development on the game progresses. DayZ the standalone game will use this site here as the official website. They'll follow the Minecraft model of development, which means early access to alpha version and quick iterations and improvements on the game. Keep an eye out for announcements on an early version of the game, but don't expect it to be out so soon. DayZ for those not in the know is a multiplayer zombie infested survival game where you get spawned in a world with zombies and survivors with barely anything to begin with. Group up, do anything to survive.

Source: DayZ Official Site

1 comment:

  1. this is good news. i've been playing on private servers and a there have been a lot of people wishing that this mod was a standalone game without any dependencies on ArmA 2. i will definitely jump the gun when the game does come out.
