Friday, April 20, 2012

Arma 3 Stratis Showcase Trailer - Great Place To Have A Vacation

Stratis is by the way, the one of the island that Arma 3 is set on(Limnos is the main island). It's a peaceful island with NATO military camp. Oh look a UFO! Oh no it's a helicopter taking off at night. This is one of the most realistic environments I have ever seen in a game. The underwater bit looks like it needs a bit of work though. Trailer below...


  1. It really does look realistic!! Doesn't seem like a video game at all...

    1. Yeah, hopefully we play this one day and find out how realistic it can get.

      You would most likely see me shooting someone in friendly fire and causing mass grief to my team.

  2. Hahahahaha! xD How about the Diablo 3 Beta? It's out already!
