Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Civilization V Notes - Golden Slumber

Civ 5 ups the importance of gold in a Civilization game. In, my current game playing as Bismarck of Germany, the empire is bankrupt and hurting for more gold. I've had to take some drastic measures of disbanding a few military units, and customise citizen allocation on tiles(to tiles that generate more gold) in cities. All this makes the game feel measured in its pace and strategy.

I'll admit to simply building any building in Civ 4 with no worries on maintenance costs. In Civ 5, some of these building can cost a lot more maintenance(some buildings cost 4 golds per turn etc). I'd had to really think if I could build a particular building and cover the cost. This has lead to me to really appreciate how much more important deciding what to build now has become.

On top of the expensive buildings, roads now costs 1 gold per turn to maintain(and railroads 2). This cleans up the game world a lot as the late game wont be filled with ugly railroad tracks that your workers spam. Feels way more realistic to be honest. Add purchasing units, buildings(which is available from the start of the game) and even tiles(to quickly snatch some important resource), gold is now what makes the Civilization V world, go round!

1 comment:

  1. argh, i dont like civV to be honest. Older civ's were better.Like ure design, and blog posts.Check my blog too http://ineyesofgamer.blogspot.com/
