Monday, January 5, 2009

Peter Molyneux Not Excited About Any Game In 2009 highlighted Molyneux statement on BBC that said he was astonished at the momentum of the Wii gaining market share against the commonly held conventions of gaming. He also lamented the fact that he doesn't not feel excited for any game this year. He said :

"2008 was the year that the Nintendo Wii got even better, more than anyone really thought possible when it first launched. The 360 did well, although it was put into the shade somewhat by the Wii. PlayStation 3 has been disappointing to say the least,"

The news report also highlighted his thoughts on game difficulty. He wonders whether developers are cutting off segments of their masterly crafted games because of punishing difficulty. :

"On the gaming front, GTA IV was a real moment for the industry. Rockstar nailed how you characterise a game and their engine and cut sequences are state of the art. However, only a few people actually saw all the cut sequences because the game was so tough to play. Are we making games too difficult? That's a question the industry has been asking itself of late."

Well it's obvious that Peter isn't such a big RTS fan(surprising considering he made some of my all time favourite games). I'm pretty sure a huge population of this planet are anticipating the release of Blizzard's next game.

Source :

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